The 3rd Steering Committee Meeting of the SHIFA Project (Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure for All) took place on 20 January 2023 at the complex of the Ministry of Health. Official period of 48 months of the SHIFA Project has begun, pursuant to the delegation agreement signed between the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye and the Development Bank of the Council of Europe (CEB) within the framework of the European Union's Financial Assistance Program for Refugees in Turkey (FRIT2).
Chaired by Director General for EU and Foreign Affairs Dr. Selami Kılıç, the meeting was attended by the First Undersecretary Angel Gutierrez Hidalgo, representing the EU Delegation to Türkiye, Deputy Director Rainer Lovato on behalf of CEB, and Ankara Project Officer Vasilis Petrides. Other participants of the three parties responsible for the project were also present at the meeting. The unfolding of the project in the last 6 months, planned activities for the upcoming period, possible risks and solution proposals were discussed during the meeting.