
10 Kasım 2021
Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Punjab Province od Pakistan, Visited Turkey (August 26, 2016)
Dr. Faiz Sucuoğlu, Minister of Health of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), and the Accompanying Delegation visited Turkey (August 24, 2016)
Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ, Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey, admitted Hiroshi Oka, Ambassador of Japan, and the Accompanying Delegation (August 17, 2016)
Visit of Ruxanda Glavan, Minister of Health of Moldova (June, 22nd-25th, 2016)
Zaur Aliyev, President of Mandatory Health Insurance Institution of Azerbaijan, and accompanying delegation visited Turkey (June 21st-23rd, 2016)
Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ, Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey, attended the “Health Leaders’ Ministerial Forum” in Harvard (June 12th-15th, 2016, USA)
The Finnish Minister of Social Affairs and Health paid an official visit to Turkey.(January 14th 2014)
Annual Evaluation for 2013-The Future Vision of Health (24th January, 2014)
President of The Gambia Yahya Jammeh and his delegation visited our country (10-11 February 2014)
The Kuwaiti Minister of Health and his delegation paid an official visit to Turkey (24-28 February 2014)
Sudan and Turkey – Nyala Training and Research Hospital Inauguration (27’th February, 2014)
The Minister of Health of Tajikistan visited Turkey (17 to 23 February 2014)
The 4th Session of Turkey-Ghana Joint Trade and Economic Commission (JEC) was Carried Outin Accra (14-16 April 2014)
Mr. Minister of Health Met with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Interim Government of the Syrian National Coalition and Minister of Health of Syria (17 April 2014)
Coordination and Planning Meeting of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Health of Turkey (18–20 April 2014)