
10 Kasım 2021
Turkey and Qatar Signed Cooperation Agreement
Dr. Imet Rrahmani, Minister of Health of Kosovo, and Accompanying Delegation Visited Turkey (December 11-14, 2016)
Abdullah Ali Fadhel Al-Saadi, Yemen Ambassador to Ankara, Visited General Directorate of EU and Foreign Affairs (December 8, 2016)
Ministry of Health and WHO Signed "Cooperation Agreement"
Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ, Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey, Received Sohail Mahmood, Ambassador of Pakistan to Ankara (December 06,2016)
Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ, Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey Received Shamail Ahmad Khawaja, Deputy Minister of Health of Punjab, Pakistan and His Delegation (8 November 2016)
3rd Turkish Medical World Council (29-30 October 2016, Istanbul)
Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ, Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey and His Delegation Visited Albania (27-28 October 2016)
Dr. Faiz Sucuoğlu, Minister of Health of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and His Delegation Visited Turkey (20 October 2016)
Dr. Tawfiq Fawzan Al Rabiah, Minister of Health of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and His Delegation Visited Turkey (15 – 19 October 2016)
Prof. Dr. Recep Akdag Received Ali Al-Ma'meri, the Governor of Taiz, Yemen (7 October 2016)
Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ received Dr. Shaikh Mohammad Bin Abdullah Al-Khalifa, the President of Bahrain Supreme Health Council (4 October 2016)
Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ received Dr. Rekawt Hama Rashid Karim, Minister of Health of Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (IKRG) (4 October 2016)
Prof. Dr. Recep AKDAG received Alanna E. ARMITAGE, UNFPA Regional Director of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (29 September 2016)
Prof. Dr. Recep Akdag received Yunsoo Cho, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea (September 23, 2016)