Prof. Dr. Eyüp Gümüş, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, accompanied by the Executive Board of TUSEB, visited the USA between the dates of 30th November and 4th December, 2015. Please find below the Press Statement of the visit:
At the threshold of the 21st century, when diseases, science, technology and communities develop at an unprecedented pace, we, as Turkey, keep taking healthy steps toward future. Turkey, which works, produces technology, seeks remedy and has background, has been monitoring closely, for a while, the science centers in the world in order to deploy its science, resources, energy and power in the field of health as well.
Presidency of Turkish Health Institutes (TUSEB) which will support and develop Research and Innovation in the field of health and provide financial support for these projects was established in 2015 under the Ministry of Health of Health of the Republic of Turkey.
We have a total of 1000 Turkish Health Scientists – 600 of whom are biotechnology experts working in Washington-Boston line. Making another new discovery every other day, the Health Sciences have recently focused on genetic-based personalized medicine treatments. Under the 2023 Targets of our government, we also started to strengthen our scientific studies and took steps to conduct R&D and develop innovative products in health.
With big efforts of the Turkish Embassy in Washington and Chief Consul in Boston, we visited Gökhan Hotamışlıgil Research Center directed by valuable Turkish Scientists, known worldwide, Forsyth Research Center of Alpdoğan Kantarcı in Boston; Global Health Department of Harvard University directed by Rıfat Atun; and in New Haven Yale University, the Genome Laboratory of Murat Günel, Member of American Academy of Medicine. We had a meeting with the Dean of Yale Medical Faculty and Head of Yale-New Haven Hospital and consequently, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey, Yale Medical Faculty and Yale New Haven Hospital.
During our visits, we had fruitful meetings regarding Onkogen and Genome Projects we consider to launch in Turkey in cooperation with Yale Medical Faculty, Harvard University and Massachussett General Hospital- MGH. Moreover, we had a meeting with Francis Collin, Head of NIH, and talked about the opportunities of cooperation in scientific researches.